Cockpit Plugins

Cockpit defines a plugin concept to add own functionality without being forced to extend or hack the Cockpit web application. You can add plugins at various plugin points, e.g., the processes dashboard as shown in the following example:

The Nature of a Cockpit Plugin

A Cockpit plugin is a maven jar project that is included in the Cockpit webapplication as a library dependency. It provides a server-side and a client-side extension to Cockpit.

On the server-side, it can extend Cockpit with custom SQL queries and JAX-RS resource classes. Queries (defined via MyBatis) may be used to squeeze additional intel out of an engine database or to execute custom engine operations. JAX-RS resources on the other hand extend the Cockpit API and expose data to the client-side part of the plugin.

On the client-side a plugin may include Javascript modules to extend the Cockpit webapplication. Via those modules a plugin provides custom views.

File structure

The basic skeleton of a Cockpit plugin looks as follows:

├── src/
|   ├── main/
|   |   ├── java/
|   |   |   └── org/my/plugin/
|   |   |       ├── db/
|   |   |       |   └──                                    (5)
|   |   |       ├── resource/
|   |   |       |   ├──                     (3)
|   |   |       |   └── ...                                           (4)
|   |   |       └──                                     (1)
|   |   └── resources/
|   |       ├── META-INF/services/
|   |       |   └── org.cibseven.bpm.cockpit.plugin.spi.CockpitPlugin  (2)
|   |       ├── org/my/plugin/queries/                                (6)
|   |       |   └── sample.xml
|   |       └── plugin-webapp/MyPlugin/                               (7)
|   |           └── app/
|   |               ├── plugin.js                                     (8)
|   |               ├── plugin.css                                    (9)
|   |               └── ...
|   └── test/
|       ├── java/
|       |   └── org/my/plugin/
|       |       └──
|       └── resources/
|           └── camunda.cfg.xml
└── pom.xml

As runtime relevant resource it defines

  1. a plugin main class
  2. a META-INF/services entry that publishes the plugin to Cockpit
  3. a plugin root JAX-RS resource that wires the server-side API. When you want to include a frontend module in your plugin, you can use AbstractCockpitPluginRootResource as the plug-in resources base class. This allows you to serve static client-side resources under the /static path. Per convention, these resources must reside in a /plugin-webapp/$plugin_id directory absolute to the classpath root.
    • the plugin root resource has to explicitly declare the assets that are allowed to be served via the REST API. You can declare your assets by overriding the AbstractAppPluginRootResource#getAllowedAssets() method in your root resource. Undeclared assets won’t be served. The default implementation contains two predefined assets: app/plugin.js and app/plugin.css.
  4. other resources that are part of the server-side API
  5. data transfer objects used by the resources
  6. mapping files that provide additional Cockpit queries as MyBatis mappings
  7. resource directory from which client-side plugin assets are served as static files
  8. a js file that exports a frontend module. This file must be named plugin.js and be located in the app directory of the plugin asset directory
  9. a css file that contains the style definitions for the client-side plugin. This file must be named plugin.css and be located in the app directory of the plugin asset directory

Structure of a Frontend Module

A frontend module always follows the same structure. This is how a sample plugin.js could look like:

export default {
  id: "customPlugin",
  pluginPoint: "cockpit.dashboard",
  priority: 5,
  render: container => {
    container.innerHTML = "Hello World!";

This file can also be included standalone as a custom script.

Important notes about the structure

  1. The default export is either one plugin or an array of plugins. Only the default export will be considered in Cockpit.
  2. The render function must not have a return value.

Attributes in Detail

  • id: A string which defines this plugin. Should be unique across the application. This can be used to exclude plugins, see Plugin exclusion.

  • pluginPoint: A string which describes where the plugin is rendered. This also defines which parameters are passed into the render function, see the plugin point reference

  • priority: Number, describes in which order the plugins at the same pluginPoint will be mounted. For certain Plugin points (like cockpit.navigation), a negative priority hides the entry in a dropdown. How this is handled depends on the Plugin Point.

  • render: Function, the heart of your Plugin. Arguments are (DOMNode|BPMNioViewerInstance, additionalData (Object)). Using the DOM node, you can render your plugin into the DOM.
    The second argument contains API endpoints and CSRF cookie information, as well as constants like a processDefinitionId. The api key is always present and contains

    • engine: the engine name
    • CSRFToken: the current CSRF token for your requests
    • baseApi, adminApi, cockpitApi, engineApi: The paths to different API endpoints. The engineApi corresponds to the Rest Api The details of which data is passed into the plugin can be found at the plugin point reference.
  • result: Function, only available in data plugins. Argument is a (Promise).

  • unmount: Optional function which is called when the Plugin is unmounted. Use this to cleanup any listeners you or your Framework might have registered.

  • properties: Optional object which contains all additional configuration for the plugin point, such as labels.

Plugin Exclusion (Client Side)

You can exclude some plugins from the interface by adding a cam-exclude-plugins attribute to the HTML base tag of the page loading the interface. The content of the attribute is a comma separated list formatted like: <plugin.key>:<>. If the feature ID is not provided, the whole plugin will be excluded.

Excluding a Complete Plugin

This example will completely deactivate the action buttons on the right side of the process instance view.

<base href="/"
      cam-exclude-plugins="cockpit.processInstance.runtime.action" />

Excluding a Plugin Feature

In this example we deactivate the cancel action in the Cockpit process instance view and disable the job retry action button:

<base href="/"
                           cockpit.processInstance.runtime.action:job-retry-action" />

Legacy Plugins

Plugins created for Camunda 7.13 or earlier can be included for compatibility. To achieve this, simply prefix your Plugin ID with legacy-. The AngularJS module name for the entry module will be cockpit.plugin.legacy-*.

Please note that all Plugins with this prefix will be included using the 7.13 plugin mechanism. You cannot create new Plugins with IDs starting with legacy.

For more details about legacy Plugins, check out the legacy Plugin documentation for Camunda. Please note that this link will take you to the documentation of Camunda 7.13 .

Plugin points

In this section you will find all Cockpit plugin points. To configure where you place your plugin, enter the ID into the pluginPoint attribute of you frontend module.

Plugin Points describe where a Plugin will be rendered and define which additional data is passed into the second argument of the render function.

For more information on creating and configuring your own plugin, please see How to develop a Cockpit plugin.


Data Plugin Points have a #result function that gets the response data as a promise of a called REST endpoint passed. The #result function is called when the respective HTTP request is performed. The first argument of the #result function is a (Promise).

Login Data

REST Endpoint: POST /camunda/api/admin/auth/user/default/login/cockpit

When a user clicks on the Login button of the login form, the plugin points #result function is called. Your Login Plugin can react to the data that this data plugin will retrieve.

This plugin point is available for all web apps. Just change the canonical app name for the respective webapp (,,


Name: cockpit.route

This plugin points properties contain the attribute path, which stands for the hashRoute for this page. This will be rendered when the user navigates in the browser to the url, e.g. #/my-path.

properties: {
  path: "/my-path"

Name: cockpit.navigation

This plugin point can be used in conjunction with a cockpit.route plugin or for shortcuts to existing pages. Negative priority will hide the entry in a drop-down.

This plugin points properties contain the attribute path, which matches the location to highlight the active menu entry when the user is on a certain page. The value can be a regex. If no path is set, the menu entry will never be highlighted.

properties: {
  path: "/my-path"


Name: cockpit.login

The cockpit.login plugin point allows to add your custom views at the place where the web app renders the login form.

This plugin point is available for all web apps. Just change the canonical app name for the respective webapp (tasklist.login, admin.login, welcome.login).


Name: cockpit.dashboard

The cockpit.dashboard plugin point will allow to add your custom views at the bottom of the dashboard.


Name: cockpit.dashboard.metrics

Processes Dashboard

Name: cockpit.processes.dashboard

Decisions Dashboard

Name: cockpit.decisions.dashboard

Cases Dashboard

Name: cockpit.cases.dashboard

Process Definition Runtime Tab


This plugin points properties contain the attribute label, which will be rendered in the navigation even when the plugin is not selected.

properties: {
  label: "My Plugin"

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • processDefinitionId

Process Instance Runtime Tab


This plugin points properties contain the attribute label, which will be rendered in the navigation even when the plugin is not selected.

properties: {
  label: "My Plugin"

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • processInstanceId

Process Definition Runtime Action

Name: cockpit.processDefinition.runtime.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • processDefinitionId

Process Instance Runtime Action

Name: cockpit.processInstance.runtime.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • processInstanceId

Process Definition View

Name: cockpit.processDefinition.view

Process Instance View

Name: cockpit.processInstance.view

Process Definition Diagram Overlay

Name: cockpit.processDefinition.diagram.plugin

Diagram overlay plugins are a little different from other plugins. This plugin point does not receive a DOM node to render into but an instance of the Diagram viewer to create an overlay.

export default {
  id: "myOverlay",
  pluginPoint: "cockpit.processDefinition.diagram.plugin",
  priority: 0,
  render: (viewer, {processDefinitionId}) => {
      // ...

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • processDefinitionId

Process Instance Diagram Overlay

Name: cockpit.processInstance.diagram.plugin

Diagram overlay plugins are a little different from other plugins. This plugin point does not receive a DOM node to render into but an instance of the Diagram viewer to create an overlay. See Process Definition Diagram Overlay for an example.

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • processInstanceId

Job Definition Action

Name: cockpit.jobDefinition.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • jobDefinitionId

Decision Definition Tab


This plugin points properties contain the attribute label, which will be rendered in the navigation even when the plugin is not selected.

properties: {
  label: "My Plugin"

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • decisionDefinitionId

Decision Definition Action

Name: cockpit.decisionDefinition.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • decisionDefinitionId

Decision Definition Table

Name: cockpit.decisionDefinition.table

Diagram overlay plugins are a little different from other plugins. This plugin point does not receive a DOM node to render into but an instance of the Diagram viewer to create an overlay. See Process Definition Diagram Overlay for an example.

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • decisionDefinitionId

Decision Instance Tab


This plugin points properties contain the attribute label, which will be rendered in the navigation even when the plugin is not selected.

properties: {
  label: "My Plugin"

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • decisionInstanceId

Decision Instance Action

Name: cockpit.decisionInstance.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • decisionInstanceId

Decision Instance Table

Name: cockpit.decisionInstance.table

Diagram overlay plugins are a little different from other plugins. This plugin point does not receive a DOM node to render into but an instance of the Diagram viewer to create an overlay. See Process Definition Diagram Overlay for an example.

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • decisionInstanceId

Case Definition Tab


This plugin points properties contain the attribute label, which will be rendered in the navigation even when the plugin is not selected.

properties: {
  label: "My Plugin"

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • decisionInstanceId

Case Definition Action

Name: cockpit.caseDefinition.action

This plugin points properties contain the attribute label, which will be rendered in the navigation even when the plugin is not selected.

properties: {
  label: "My Plugin"

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • caseDefinitionId

Case Definition Diagram Overlay

Name: cockpit.caseDefinition.diagram.overlay

Case Definition Diagram Plugin

Name: cockpit.caseDefinition.diagram.plugin

Diagram overlay plugins are a little different from other plugins. This plugin point does not receive a DOM node to render into but an instance of the Diagram viewer to create an overlay. See Process Definition Diagram Overlay for an example.

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • caseDefinitionId

Case Instance Tab


This plugin points properties contain the attribute label, which will be rendered in the navigation even when the plugin is not selected.

properties: {
  label: "My Plugin"

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • caseInstanceId

Case Instance Action

Name: cockpit.caseInstance.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • caseInstanceId

Case Instance Diagram Overlay

Name: cockpit.caseInstance.diagram.overlay

Case Instance Diagram Plugin

Name: cockpit.caseInstance.diagram.plugin

Diagram overlay plugins are a little different from other plugins. This plugin point does not receive a DOM node to render into but an instance of the Diagram viewer to create an overlay. See Process Definition Diagram Overlay for an example.

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • caseDefinitionId
  • caseInstanceId

Repository Resource Action

Name: cockpit.repository.resource.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • deploymentId
  • resourceId

Repository Resource Detail

Name: cockpit.repository.resource.detail

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • deploymentId
  • resourceId

Open Task Dashboard

Name: cockpit.tasks.dashboard

Incident Action

Name: cockpit.incident.action

This additional data is passed into the render function:

  • incidentId

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