FEEL Engine Custom Functions
CIB seven provides a wrapper for the FEEL Scala Engine to implement Custom Functions, which can be called in expressions and unary tests.
Custom Function Behavior
Please note that the Custom Function Mechanism of the Standalone FEEL Scala Engine might behave differently.
You can add Custom Functions to the Process Engine (or the Standalone DMN Engine) only programmatically through a Process Engine Plugin. Read more about it in the section about how to Register Custom Function Providers.
Implement a Custom Function
To implement a Custom Function, create a sub-class of FeelCustomFunctionProvider
The following code example shows how to implement a Custom Function:
import org.cibseven.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.scala.function.CustomFunction;
import org.cibseven.bpm.dmn.feel.impl.scala.function.FeelCustomFunctionProvider;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
public class CustomFunctionProvider implements FeelCustomFunctionProvider {
protected Map<String, CustomFunction> functions = new HashMap<>();
public CustomFunctionProvider() {
CustomFunction function = CustomFunction.create()
.setParams("x", "y")
.setFunction(args -> {
long argX = (long) args.get(0);
long argY = (long) args.get(1);
return argX + argY;
functions.put("myFunction", function);
public Optional<CustomFunction> resolveFunction(String functionName) {
return Optional.ofNullable(functions.get(functionName));
public Collection<String> getFunctionNames() {
return functions.keySet();
When calling CustomFunction.create()
, a builder is returned that you can use to configure the Custom Function.
The builder has the following configuration options:
#setParams(String... params)
- Defines the parameter names of the Custom Function
- Passed arguments in FEEL must not follow a strict order when calling the parameter name explicitly:
myFunction(y: 5, x: 3)
- Enables variable arguments
- When enabled, the function can have variable arguments for the last parameter
- The last argument is of type list
#setFunction(Function<List<Object>, Object> function)
- Passes an object of type
with a list of objects as arguments and an object as the return value - Cannot be used together with
- Passes an object of type
#setReturnValue(Object result)
- Sets the return value
- The return value is defined on the registration of the function and cannot be changed later on
- Cannot be used together with
Register Custom Function Providers
You can register the Custom Function Providers using a configuration property.
Process Engine
You can register Custom Function Providers in the Process Engine Configuration with the help of the property dmnFeelCustomFunctionProviders using a Process Engine Plugin.
Standalone DMN Engine
The DMN Engine has a property feelCustomFunctionProviders
of type List
in the
to register Custom Function Providers.
Type Handling
This section describes which argument types are passed into a Custom Function and which types you can return.
Argument Types
All Java types listed in the “Return Types” section of the FEEL Type Handling documentation can be passed into a Custom Function.
Return Types
All Java types listed in the “Return Types” section of the FEEL Type Handling documentation plus the types listed in the FEEL Data Types documentation can be returned by a Custom Function.