The following attributes are extension attributes for the camunda
Description |
This attribute specifies a performer of a Human Task.
Type |
java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
The name of a performer as java.lang.String or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${perfomer}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Human Task
Description |
This attribute specifies which group(s) will be candidate for performing the Human Task.
Type |
java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Comma separated list of group ids as java.lang.String or expressions that evaluate to a java.lang.String or a java.util.Collection of java.lang.String , e.g., management or management, ${accountancyGroupId()}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Human Task
Description |
This attribute specifies which user(s) will be candidate for performing the Human Task.
Type |
java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Comma separated list of user ids as java.lang.String or expressions that evaluate to a java.lang.String or a java.util.Collection of java.lang.String , e.g., kermit, gonzo or ${ldapService.findAllSales()}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Human Task
Description |
This attribute specifies which case definition version should be called inside the case task.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
latest , deployment , version
Constraints |
If the value is set to version the attribute camunda:caseVersion is required, see Case Binding for more information.
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Case Task
Description |
The attribute specifies the tenant id of the case definition which is to be resolved by a case task, see Case Tenant Id for more information.
Type |
java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete tenant id or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${caseExecution.tenantId}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Case Task
Description |
This attribute explicitly defines which case definition version should be called inside the case task.
Type |
java.lang.Integer or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
All deployed version numbers of the case definition to call or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Integer
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Case Task
Description |
The attribute specifies which Java class will be executed at runtime. The stated class must implement a Java delegate interface.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
Fully qualified Java class name of a class which implements a Java Delegate interface, e.g., org.cibseven.bpm.MyJavaDelegate
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Description |
This attribute specifies which decision definition version should be evaluated inside the decision task.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
latest , deployment , version
Constraints |
If the value is set to version the attribute camunda:decisionVersion is required.
Default Value |
latest |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Decision Task
Description |
The attribute specifies the tenant id of the decision definition which is to be evaluated by a decision task, see Decision Tenant Id for more information.
Type |
java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete tenant id or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${caseExecution.tenantId}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Decision Task
Description |
This attribute explicitly defines which decision definition version should be called inside the decision task.
Type |
java.lang.Integer or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
All deployed version numbers of the decision definition to call or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Integer
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Decision Task
Description |
The attribute allows specification of an expression which must resolve to an object that implements the corresponding interface (see delegation code).
Type |
org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Expression which evaluates to a Java class implementing a delegation interface, e.g., ${myVariableListener} .
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Description |
This attribute specifies the initial due date of a Human Task when it is created.
Type |
org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
An expression which evaluates to a java.util.Date , java.util.String (ISO 8601 formatted) or null , e.g., ${dueDate}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Human Task
Description |
The attribute defines an expression which will be evaluated at runtime.
Type |
org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Expression, e.g., ${gender == 'male' ? 'Mr.' : 'Mrs.'} or #{printer.printMessage()}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Description |
This attribute specifies a form resource. See task forms for more information.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
A java.lang.String of a form resource which can be evaluated by the Tasklist
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Human Task
Description |
The attribute specifies the history time to live (in days) for the case definition. It is used within History cleanup.
Type |
java.lang.Integer or java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
Any non-negative integer number or string containing a time in days defined by the ISO-8601 date format.
Default Value |
null - means that case definition history won't ever be removed during history cleanup run |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Description |
The attribute references which built-in Decision Result Mapper is used to pass the result of an evaluated decision to a case variable. It should be used in combination with camunda:resultVariable.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
singleEntry, singleResult, collectEntries, resultList
Default Value |
resultList |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Decision Task
Description |
This attribute specifies the initial priority of a Human Task when it is created.
Type |
org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
An expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Number or a java.lang.String which represents a number or null , e.g., ${priority}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Human Task
Description |
This attribute specifies which process definition version should be called inside the process task.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
latest , deployment , version
Constraints |
If the value is set to version the attribute camunda:processVersion is required, see Process Binding for more information.
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Process Task
Description |
The attribute specifies the tenant id of the process definition which is to be resolved by a process task, see Process Tenant Id for more information.
Type |
java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete tenant id or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${caseExecution.tenantId}
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Process Task
Description |
This attribute explicitly defines which process definition version should be called inside the process task.
Type |
java.lang.Integer or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
All deployed version numbers of the process definition to call or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Integer
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Process Task
Description |
The attribute specifies a transition in which the repetition rule of a stage or task is evaluated.
Note that this attribute is omitted when the stage or task to repeat has at least one entry criterion.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
create , enable , disable , reenable , manualStart , start , complete , exit
Default Value |
complete |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Repetition Rule
Description |
The attribute specifies an external resource. The resource can be part of the deployment or
exists in the classpath. To specify the type of resource, a URL scheme like prefix
deployment:// resp. classpath:// can be supplied. If the scheme is
omitted, it is assumed that the resource exists in the classpath.
Type |
java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
The path to a resource or an expression which returns the path. Optional the path can
start with an URL like scheme classpath:// or deployment:// to
specify where to find the resource. If omitted the resource is assumed to exists in the
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Description |
The attribute specifies the case variable in which the returned decision result is saved. It can be used in combination with camunda:mapDecisionResult to define a decision result mapping.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
The name of a case variable to save the return value
Default Value |
– |
CMMN 1.1 Elements |
Decision Task
Description |
The variable name that is attached to element camunda:variableOnPart for which the sentry listens. Sentry is evaluated when the variable event transition occurs.
Type |
java.lang.String |
Camunda extension element |