Camunda BPMN Extension Attributes
The following attributes are extension attributes for the camunda
Description | The attribute specifies a human performer of a User Task. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
The name of a performer as java.lang.String or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${initiator}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | User Task |
Description | Specifies an asynchronous continuation after an activity, see Asynchronous Continuations for more information. |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Possible Values |
true , false
Default Value | false |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Start Events, End Events, Intermediate Throw Events, Intermediate Catch Events, Task, Service Task, Send Task, User Task, Business Rule Task, Script Task, Receive Task, Manual Task, Embedded Subprocess, Call Activity, Transaction Subprocess, Parallel Gateway, Inclusive Gateway, Exclusive Gateway, Multi Instance Loop Characteristics, Boundary Event, Message Boundary Event, Error Boundary Event, Timer Boundary Event, Escalation Boundary Event, Conditional Boundary Event, Signal Boundary Event, Cancel Boundary Event |
Description | Specifies an asynchronous continuation before an activity, see Asynchronous Continuations for more information. |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Possible Values |
true , false
Default Value | false |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Start Events, End Events, Intermediate Throw Events, Intermediate Catch Events, Task, Service Task, Send Task, User Task, Business Rule Task, Script Task, Receive Task, Manual Task, Embedded Subprocess, Call Activity, Transaction Subprocess, Parallel Gateway, Event Based Gateway, Inclusive Gateway, Exclusive Gateway, Multi Instance Loop Characteristics, Boundary Event, Message Boundary Event, Error Boundary Event, Timer Boundary Event, Escalation Boundary Event, Conditional Boundary Event, Signal Boundary Event, Cancel Boundary Event |
Description |
The attribute specifies which process definition version of the subprocess the call activity calls.
If the value is version , the attribute camunda:calledElementVersion is required.
If the value is versionTag , the attribute camunda:calledElementVersionTag is required.
See Called Element Binding for more information.
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
latest , deployment , version , versionTag
Default Value | latest |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description |
The attribute specifies which process definition version of the subprocess the call activity calls if the camunda:calledElementBinding
is set to version , see Called Element Binding for more information.
Type | java.lang.Integer or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete version of all deployed version numbers of the subprocess to call as java.lang.Integer or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Integer e.g., ${versionToCall}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description |
The attribute specifies which process definition version tag of the subprocess the call activity calls if the camunda:calledElementBinding
is set to versionTag , see Called Element Binding for more information.
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete version tag of all deployed version numbers of the subprocess to call as java.lang.String or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${versionTagToCall}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description | The attribute specifies the tenant id of the process definition which is to be resolved by a call activity, see Called Element Tenant Id for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete tenant id or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${execution.tenantId}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description | The attribute specifies which group(s) will be candidate for performing the User Task. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Comma separated list of group ids as java.lang.String or expressions that evaluate to a java.lang.String or a java.util.Collection of java.lang.String , e.g., management or management, ${accountancyGroupId()}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | User Task |
Description | The attribute specifies which group(s) will be able to start the process. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Comma separated list of group ids as java.lang.String or expressions that evaluate to a java.lang.String or a java.util.Collection of java.lang.String , e.g., management or management, ${accountancyGroupId()}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Process |
Description | The attribute specifies which user(s) will be able to start the process. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Comma separated list of user ids as java.lang.String or expressions that evaluate to a java.lang.String or a java.util.Collection of java.lang.String , e.g., kermit, gonzo or ${ldapService.findAllSales()}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Process |
Description | The attribute specifies which user(s) will be candidate for performing the User Task. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Comma separated list of user ids as java.lang.String or expressions that evaluate to a java.lang.String or a java.util.Collection of java.lang.String , e.g., kermit, gonzo or ${ldapService.findAllSales()}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | User Task |
Description |
The attribute specifies which case definition version of the subcase the call activity calls.
If the value is version , the attribute camunda:caseVersion
is required, see Case Binding for more information.
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
latest , deployment , version
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description | The attribute references a case definition by its key to call. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values | – |
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description |
The attribute specifies which case definition version of the subcase the call activity calls if the camunda:caseBinding is set to version , see Case Binding for more information.
Type | java.lang.Integer |
Possible Values | All deployed version numbers of the subprocess to call |
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description | The attribute specifies the tenant id of the case definition which is to be resolved by a call activity, see Case Tenant Id for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete tenant id or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${execution.tenantId}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description | The attribute specifies which Java class will be executed at runtime. The stated class must implement a Java delegate interface. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
Fully qualified Java class name of a class which implements a Java Delegate interface, e.g., org.cibseven.bpm.MyJavaDelegate
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Service Task, Business Rule Task, Send Task, Message Event Definition of Message Intermediate Throwing Event or Message End Event, camunda:taskListener, camunda:executionListner |
Description | The attribute specifies a collection, where an instance will be created for each element, see Multiple Instance for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
The name of a java.util.Collection process variable as java.lang.String or an Expression which evaluates to the name of a collection
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Multi Instance Loop Characteristics of Task, Embedded Subprocess, Call Activity, Transaction Subprocess |
Description | The attribute references a decision definition to evalute by its key. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A String or an expression which evalutes to the key of a decision definition which should be evaluated by this task, e.g., myDecisionDefinitionKey or ${decisionKey}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Business Rule Task |
Description |
The attribute specifies which decision definition version the task evaluates.
If the value is version , the attribute camunda:decisionRefVersion
is required.
If the value is versionTag , the attribute camunda:decisionRefVersionTag
is required.
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
latest , deployment , version , versionTag
Default Value | latest |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Business Rule Task |
Description |
The attribute specifies which decision definition version the task evaluates if the camunda:decisionRefBinding
is set to version .
Type | java.lang.Integer or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete version of all deployed version numbers of the decision to call as java.lang.Integer or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Integer e.g., ${versionToCall}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Business Rule Task |
Description |
The attribute specifies which decision definition version tag the task evaluates if the camunda:decisionRefBinding
is set to versionTag .
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete version tag of all deployed version tags of the decision to call as java.lang.String or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${versionTagToCall}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Business Rule Task |
Description | The attribute specifies the tenant id of the decision definition which is to be resolved by a business rule task, see DecisionRef Tenant Id for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete tenant id or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String e.g., ${execution.tenantId}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Business Rule Task |
Description | The attribute allows specification of an expression which must resolve to an object that implements the corresponding interface (see delegation code). |
Type | org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Expression which evaluates to a Java class implementing a delegation interface, e.g., ${myJavaDelegate} or #{myTaskListener}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Service Task, Business Rule Task, Send Task, Message Event Definition of Message Intermediate Throwing Event or Message End Event, camunda:taskListener, camunda:executionListner |
Description | The attribute specifies the initial due date of a User Task when it is created. |
Type | org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
An expression which evaluates to a java.util.Date , java.util.String (ISO 8601 formatted) or null , e.g., ${dateVariable}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | User Task |
Description | The attribute specifies the process variable which will be set on each created instance, containing an element of the specified collection see Multiple Instance for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
The name of a process variable as java.lang.String
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Multi Instance Loop Characteristics of Task, Embedded Subprocess, Call Activity, Transaction Subprocess |
Description | The attribute specifies a message to give further information about the error. When an error start event or boudary event catches the error the message will be saved as process variable if `errorMessageVariable` is configured. See Error Events for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
The error message asjava.lang.String
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Error |
Description | The attribute specifies a process variable that holds the error code and the errorCodevariable will be set if an error has been received by the error start or boundary event, see Error Events for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
The name of a process variable as java.lang.String
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Error Events |
Description | The attribute specifies a process variable that holds the error message and the errorMessageVariable will be set if an error has been received by the error start or boundary event, see Error Events for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
The name of a process variable as java.lang.String
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Error Events |
Description | The attribute specifies a process variable which will be set if an escalation has been received by an escalation start or boundary event, see Escalation Events for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
The name of a process variable as java.lang.String
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Escalation Events |
Description | The attribute specifies that jobs should be executed exclusively. See Exclusive Jobs for more information. |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Possible Values |
true , false
Default Value | true |
BPMN 2.0 Elements |
Start Events,
End Events,
Intermediate Throw Events,
Intermediate Catch Events,
Description | The attribute defines an expression which will be evaluated at runtime. |
Type | org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Expression, e.g., ${gender == 'male' ? 'Mr.' : 'Mrs.'} or #{printer.printMessage()}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Service Task, Business Rule Task, Send Task, Message Event Definition of Message Intermediate Throwing Event or Message End Event, camunda:taskListener, camunda:executionListner |
Description | The attribute specifies the initial follow-up date of a User Task when it is created. |
Type | org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
An expression which evaluates to a java.util.Date , java.util.String (ISO 8601 formatted) or null , e.g., ${dateVariable}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | User Task |
Description | The attribute specifies the class that will be called during the parsing of the form information of a Start Event or User Task. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
Fully qualified Java class name of a class which implements the org.cibseven.bpm.engine.impl.form.handler.StartFormHandler
or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.impl.form.handler.TaskFormHandler interface, e.g., org.cibseven.bpm.MyUserTaskFormHandler
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Initial Start Event of a Process, User Task |
Description | The attribute specifies a form resource. See task forms for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
A java.lang.String of a form resource which can be evaluated by the Tasklist
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Initial Start Event of a Process, User Task |
Description | The attribute references a Camunda form definition by its key. See task forms for more information. |
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A java.lang.String or a org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression which Tasklist can evaluate to display the referenced Camunda Form, e.g., myCamundaFormDefinitionKey or ${formKey}.
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Initial Start Event of a Process, User Task |
Description |
The attribute specifies which Camunda form definition version the activity references. If the value is version , the attribute camunda:formRefVersion is required.
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
latest , deployment , version
Default Value | latest |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Initial Start Event of a Process, User Task |
Description |
The attribute specifies which Camunda form definition version the activity references if the camunda:formRefBinding
is set to version .
Type | java.lang.Integer or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
A concrete version of all deployed version numbers of the Camunda form definition as java.lang.Integer or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Integer e.g., ${versionToReference}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Initial Start Event of a Process, User Task |
Description | The attribute specifies the history time to live (in days) for the process definition. It is used within History cleanup. |
Type | java.lang.Integer or java.lang.String |
Possible Values | Any non-negative integer number or string containing a time in days defined by the ISO-8601 date format. |
Default Value | null - means that process definition history won't ever be removed during history cleanup run |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Process |
Description | The attribute specifies a process variable in which the user id of the process initiator is set. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values | A process variable name to save the process initiator |
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Start Event of a Process |
Description | The attribute specifies whether the process is startable in Tasklist or not. |
Type | java.lang.Boolean |
Possible Values | true , false |
Default Value | true |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Process |
Description | Specifies the priority a job receives that is created in the context of executing the given process element (e.g., a timer event, or in the case of asyncBefore and asyncAfter). See the user guide on Job Prioritization for details. |
Type | A number in the range of a Java long value or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
An expression must resolve to a valid Java long value.
Default Value | none |
BPMN 2.0 Elements |
Start Events,
End Events,
Intermediate Throw Events,
Intermediate Catch Events,
Description | The attribute references which built-in Decision Result Mapper is used to pass the result of an evaluated decision to a process variable. It should be used in combination with camunda:resultVariable. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values | singleEntry, singleResult, collectEntries, resultList |
Default Value | resultList |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Business Rule Task |
Description | The attribute specifies the initial priority of a User Task when it is created. |
Type | org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
An expression which evaluates to a java.lang.Number or a java.lang.String which represents a number or null , e.g., ${dateVariable}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | User Task |
Description | The attribute specifies the initial priority of an External Task when it is created. |
Type | A number in the range of a Java long value or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
An expression must resolve to a valid Java long value.
Default Value | 0 |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Service Task, Message End Event, Message Intermediate Throwing Event, Business Rule Task, Send Task, Process |
Description |
The attribute specifies an external resource. The resource can be part of the deployment or
exists in the classpath. To specify the type of resource, a URL scheme like prefix
deployment:// resp. classpath:// can be supplied. If the scheme is
omitted, it is assumed that the resource exists in the classpath.
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
The path to a resource or an expression which returns the path. Optional the path can
start with an URL like scheme classpath:// or deployment:// to
specify where to find the resource. If omitted the resource is assumed to exists in the
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Script Task |
Description |
The attribute specifies the process variable to save the return value of a camunda:expression.
Note that when you use
This is a known issue. As a workaround, a local variable can be declared by adding an execution listener to the subprocess' start event that initializes the variable as |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values | The name of a process variable to save the return value |
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Service Task, Business Rule Task, Script Task, Send Task, Message Event Definition of Message Intermediate Throwing Event or Message End Event, |
Description |
The attribute specifies a version tag for the process definition. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values | Any value that has a meaning as version tag for the process definition. Note: Sorting by versionTag is string based. The version will not be interpreted. As an example, the sorting could return v0.1.0, v0.10.0, v0.2.0. |
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Process |
Description |
The attribute specifies the topic of an external task instance. The task is going to be offered to workers polling for that topic. It is only relevant when camunda:type is set to external .
Type | java.lang.String or org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Any value that has a meaning as a topic identifier as java.lang.String or an expression which evaluates to a java.lang.String , e.g. ${topicName}
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Service Task, Message End Event, Message Intermediate Throwing Event, Business Rule Task, Send Task |
Description | The attribute specifies which built-in task implementation to use. Currently an email, a shell service, and an external task exists. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
external , mail , shell
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Service Task, Message End Event, Message Intermediate Throwing Event, Business Rule Task, Send Task |
Description | The attribute specifies which Java class will be executed at runtime to map the input and output variables for a call activity. The stated class must implement the Delegate Variable Mapping interface. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values |
Fully qualified Java class name of a class which implements the Delegate Variable Mapping interface, e.g., org.cibseven.bpm.MyVariableMappingDelegate
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description | The attribute allows specification of an expression which must resolve to an object that implements the corresponding interface Delegate Variable Mapping. |
Type | org.cibseven.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression |
Possible Values |
Expression which evaluates to a Java class that implements the Delegate Variable Mapping interface, e.g., ${myVariableMapping} .
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Call Activity |
Description | The attribute allows to specify a variable name on which a condition of a conditional event should be evaluated exclusively. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values | The name of a process variable on which a condition should be evaluated after a change happens. |
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Conditional Event |
Description | The attribute allows to specify a comma separated list of variable change events. These events specify the variable change events on which a condition of a conditional event should be evaluated exclusively. |
Type | java.lang.String |
Possible Values | A comma separated list of variable change events. Variable change events are: create, update and delete. |
Default Value | – |
BPMN 2.0 Elements | Conditional Event |