Install the Full Distribution on a Tomcat Application Server manually

This section describes how you can install CIB seven and its components on a vanilla Apache Tomcat, if you are not able to use the pre-packaged Tomcat distribution. In addition, download a Tomcat distribution to fetch the required CIB seven modules.

Reading the Guide

Throughout this guide we will use a number of variables to denote common path names and constants:

  • $TOMCAT_HOME points to the main directory of the tomcat server.
  • $TOMCAT_VERSION denotes the version of Tomcat server.
  • $PLATFORM_VERSION denotes the version of CIB seven you want to install or already have installed, e.g. 7.0.0.
  • $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION represents the downloaded pre-packaged CIB seven distribution for Tomcat, e.g. cibseven-bpm-tomcat-$ or cibseven-bpm-tomcat-$PLATFORM_VERSION.tar.gz.

Known Limitations in Tomcat 10

Weld Class Loading Issues

In deployment scenarios involving one or more process applications with managed beans, classloading issues may occur if the WELD library is directly embedded in the WAR’s /WEB-INF/lib folder. To resolve this, move the weld library away from the war and place it into the $CATALINA_HOME/lib folder.

The above workaround is not guaranteed to work for cases with bean references between WAR deployments (WAR A referencing a bean from WAR B).

The following test scenarios fail on Tomcat 10:


Before you can install the CIB seven components, you need to perform a number of required setup steps.

Create the Database Schema and Tables

In the default configuration of the distribution, the database schema and all required tables are automatically created in an H2 database when the engine starts up for the first time. If you do not want to use the H2 database, you have to

  • Create a database schema for CIB seven yourself.
  • Install the database schema to create all required tables and default indices using our database schema installation guide.

When you create the tables manually, then you have to configure the engine to not create tables at startup by setting the databaseSchemaUpdate property to false (or, in case you are using Oracle, to noop). In Tomcat, this is done in the bpm-platform.xml, located in the $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION\server\apache-tomcat-$VERSION\conf\ folder.

Add BPM Bootstrap Server Listener

Add the entry org.cibseven.bpm.container.impl.tomcat.TomcatBpmPlatformBootstrap as Listener before the GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener in your $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml. This class is responsible for starting and stopping Camunda as Tomcat is started and stopped.

<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
  <Listener className="org.cibseven.bpm.container.impl.tomcat.TomcatBpmPlatformBootstrap" />

Configure a JDBC Resource

To configure a JDBC Resource you have to edit the file $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml. This could look like the following example for an H2 database:

    <Resource name="jdbc/ProcessEngine"
              maxIdle="20" />

For more information on the creation of JDBC datasources have a look at the documentation of your Tomcat version: 9.0.

Add Camunda Services

Copy the following blocks from ${TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION}/server/apache-tomcat-${TOMCAT_VERSION}/conf/server.xml into ${TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/server.xml:

     <Resource name="global/camunda-bpm-platform/process-engine/ProcessEngineService!org.cibseven.bpm.ProcessEngineService" auth="Container"
              description="CIB seven Platform Process Engine Service"
              factory="org.cibseven.bpm.container.impl.jndi.ProcessEngineServiceObjectFactory" />

    <Resource name="global/camunda-bpm-platform/process-engine/ProcessApplicationService!org.cibseven.bpm.ProcessApplicationService" auth="Container"
              description="CIB seven Platform Process Application Service"
              factory="org.cibseven.bpm.container.impl.jndi.ProcessApplicationServiceObjectFactory" />

Add Required Libraries

Copy all libraries from the $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION/lib/ folder to the Tomcat library folder $TOMCAT_HOME/lib:

Furthermore, you have to merge your corresponding JDBC driver into the folder $TOMCAT_HOME/lib.

Add bpm-platform.xml

You have to add the file bpm-platform.xml to the folder $TOMCAT_HOME/conf or, optionally, you can configure the location through some available mechanisms, see Configure location of the bpm-platform.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpm-platform xmlns=""
  xsi:schemaLocation=" ">

    <job-acquisition name="default" />

  <process-engine name="default">

      <property name="history">full</property>
      <property name="databaseSchemaUpdate">true</property>
      <property name="authorizationEnabled">true</property>
      <property name="jobExecutorDeploymentAware">true</property>



Secure Tomcat

Follow the Tomcat Security Howto of your Tomcat version: 9.0, 10.1.

In particular, go to ${TOMCAT_HOME}/webapps/ and remove the directories ROOT, docs, examples, manager and host-manager.

Optional Components

This section describes how to install optional CIB seven dependencies onto a Tomcat server. None of these are required to work with the core platform.

Cockpit, Tasklist and Admin

The following steps are required to deploy the applications:

  1. Download the CIB seven web application that contains both applications from our Artifact Repository. Choose the correct version named cibseven-engine-rest-1.1.0-tomcat.war.

    • For Tomcat 10, the name of the artifact is cibseven-engine-rest-jakarta-1.1.0-tomcat.war.
    • For Tomcat 9, the name of the artifact is cibseven-engine-rest-1.1.0-tomcat.war.
  2. Copy the war file to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/cibseven.war. Optionally you may name it differently or extract it to a folder to deploy it to a different context path.

  3. Startup Tomcat.

  4. Access Cockpit and Tasklist via /camunda/app/cockpit and /camunda/app/tasklist or under the context path you configured.


The following steps are required to deploy the REST API:

  1. Download the REST API web application archive from our Artifact Repository.
  2. Copy the war file to $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps. Optionally you may rename it or extract it to a folder to deploy it to a specific context like /engine-rest.
  3. Startup Tomcat.
  4. Access the REST API on the context you configured. For example, http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/engine should return the names of all engines of the platform, provided that you deployed the application in the context /engine-rest.
  5. Enable authentication as described in the REST API documentation

CIB seven Connect Plugin

Add the following artifacts (if not existing) from the folder $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION/lib/ to the folder $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/:

  • cibseven-engine-plugin-connect-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar
  • cibseven-commons-utils-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar

In order to activate CIB seven Connect functionality for a process engine, a process engine plugin has to be registered in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/bpm-platform.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpm-platform ...>
  <process-engine name="default">
      ... existing plugins ...



Add the following artifacts (if not existing) from the folder $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION/lib/ to the folder $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/:

  • cibseven-spin-dataformat-all-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar
  • cibseven-spin-core-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar
  • cibseven-engine-plugin-spin-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar
  • cibseven-commons-utils-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar

In order to activate Spin functionality for a process engine, a process engine plugin has to be registered in $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/bpm-platform.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpm-platform ...>
  <process-engine name="default">
      ... existing plugins ...

Groovy Scripting

Add the following artifacts (if not existing) from the folder $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION/lib/ to the folder $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/:

  • groovy-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar
  • groovy-jsr223-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar
  • groovy-json-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar
  • groovy-xml-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar
  • groovy-templates-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar
  • groovy-dateutil-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar
  • groovy-datetime-$GROOVY_VERSION.jar

Freemarker Integration

Add the following artifacts (if not existing) from the folder $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION/lib/ to the folder $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/:

  • cibseven-template-engines-freemarker-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar
  • freemarker-2.3.31.jar
  • cibseven-commons-utils-$PLATFORM_VERSION.jar

GraalVM JavaScript Integration

Add the following artifacts (if not existing) from the folder $TOMCAT_DISTRIBUTION/lib/ to the folder $TOMCAT_HOME/lib/:

  • graal-sdk-21.1.0.jar
  • icu4j-68.2.jar
  • js-21.1.0.jar
  • js-scriptengine-21.1.0.jar
  • regex-21.1.0.jar
  • truffle-api-21.1.0.jar

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